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Red Rose

Mothers' Circle

 Support  |  Remember  |  Honor  |  Celebrate 

You don't have to tell us this grief is different. We know.


As mothers, we'll gather for support through special VoWW events to share the unique perspective we have of our warriors as birth/adoptive/foster moms, as caregivers, as advocates. We'll lift each other up through our heartbreak, setbacks, successes and wins. And we'll honor our Winged Warriors by saying their names freely, sharing our memories, and celebrating their special moments. 


Between Mothers' Circle get togethers, we encourage you to join our VoWW Facebook group. That group is not limited to moms. Over there we're gathering family, friends, and other allies who've lost someone to sickle cell. You can share posts and comment as often as you'd like and offer support to others on their grief and healing journey if you're up to it.


We know better than to tell you to get over this loss, be over it, or let it go.


Love lives loudly here. 

Previous Event

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The International Bereaved Mothers Day event was a non-clinical Zoom discussion group for moms only, and only for moms who've lost a child (youth or adult) to sickle cell. This free event was held on Sunday, May 5, 2024. 

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